Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is MATCH?

A: The Mountain State Assessment of Trends in Community Health (MATCH) is a new West Virginia population-based health survey that is administered biennially (every two years). The first survey period occurred in 2021 and the data is publicly available using the Data Explorer. MATCH is designed to collect important health information specific to West Virginians that will help the West Virginia Department of Human Services (WV DoHS) and other organizations respond to the state’s most critical health needs. Read more here:

Q: Are MATCH questions available?

A: To view the 2021 MATCH survey questions, visit 2021 MATCH Survey.

Q: Is my information confidential? Will my privacy be protected?

A: Your survey answers are confidential and will not be connected to you or your household. Keeping your information confidential is a top priority for us. We specifically process all the answers so that no one can directly connect responses came from any particular household.

Everyone working on this study is required by law to protect the confidentiality of people who take the survey. All identifying information such as home addresses and telephone numbers are removed from the information. We are subject to the rules and regulations of the West Virginia University Research Compliance Administration to protect your privacy and rights as a participant in a university partnered project. For more information, visit

Q: Can my responses or lack of response impact my eligibility for government benefits?

A: If you choose not to participate, it will not affect any current or future benefits that you or your family receive from the WV DoHS or any other government agency. This survey has also been reviewed and approved by West Virginia University’s Institutional Review Board, which is responsible for protecting the rights of survey participants.

Q: How will my responses be used?

A: The information collected from the MATCH survey will help the WV DoHS identify the health needs of communities in West Virginia. This information will be used to help direct health services to the areas in need, expand existing health resources, and obtain funding for new health resources. Read more here:

Q: Can I get a copy of the results?

A: Results of the survey are available on our website:

Q: What will the survey ask me about?

A: MATCH will capture information on participants’ health, access to healthcare, lifestyle, and other information that will help the WV DoHS align programs and services to those needs. While respondents are encouraged to answer all questions in the survey, your participation is voluntary, and you do not have to answer any question you do not want to.  Your answers to questions will remain confidential and will not be connected to you or your household. Taking or not taking the survey will not change any state benefits you may be eligible to receive now or in the future.

Q: How long will the survey take?

A: The estimated completion time for the survey is 30 minutes.

Q: How do I know this is an official WVU and WV DHHR sponsored survey?

A: Please feel free to call 304-293-1545 or email with questions about MATCH or MATCH materials you receive in the mail.

Q: How will I get paid for this?

A: For questions on incentive payments, please call 304-293-1545 or email

Q: I can’t or don’t want to take the survey on the web. How can I participate?

A: Individuals selected to take the survey will be given the option to complete the survey online, by mail, or by phone. If selected, you will receive an invitation packet in the mail that will include directions on how to complete the survey.

Q: I’m having trouble accessing the survey on the web. Who should I contact?

A: Please email

Q: I was disconnected. How can I finish the survey?

A: Please email

Q: How did you get my address?

A: Your address was randomly chosen from all the possible addresses in your area.

Q: How many people are you contacting for the survey?

A: 88,000 households in West Virginia will be invited to participated in the survey.

Q: What if I don’t have any health issues?

A: We want to get a better understanding of the health and health needs of all West Virginia residents, including those with no current health issues.

Q: Why are you asking about my income?

A: Your responses to questions about income and family size are needed to make sure we have data on West Virginians from every income level, so that all West Virginia voices are heard. Your information will be kept confidential.

Q: Why do you need the ages of people who live here?

A: Looking at the health needs of different age groups is one way to make sure health resources are matched to the needs of West Virginians in the best way possible.

Q: Who provides the funding for MATCH?

A: MATCH is primarily funded through the West Virginia Department of Huma Services Bureau for Medical Services (BMS) and Bureau for Behavioral Health (BBH) and uses a mix of state and federal funding from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. If you choose not to participate, it will not affect any current or future benefits that you or your family receive from the WV DoHS or any other government agency.